A downloadable game for Windows

My Biggest Game Yet. Maybe I should publish it?

  • Event-driven system for optimized logic and minimal blueprint casting.
  • Gamepad support for gameplay and UI interactions.
  • Partitioned save/load system for efficient game state management.
  • Enemy variety: Trooper, Sniper, Boomer, Heavy Gunner; melee enemies like Gruntling, Spiderling, Spider Boss.
  • Diverse weapons: Shotgun, Pistol, Assault Rifle, Heavy Machine Gun, Plasma Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Electric Gun, Flame Thrower.
  • Vending machine for in-game currency weapon purchases.
  • Actor flashing with DamageFlashComp upon taking damage.
  • DissolveComp for material-based dissolve effects on characters.
  • Improved damage text for clear damage display on actors.
  • Outline material for highlighting loot and characters.
  • Enemy AI using behavior trees.
  • Loot component for spawning user-defined specific or random items.
  • Tagging system to organize NPC battle groups.
  • Dynamic HP bar component with lazy health bar setup.
  • Efficient multi-message feature for in-game notifications.
  • Player screen with tabs: Character, Weapons, Armor, Abilities.
  • Stat system including XP, XP Bonus, Critical Hit Chance, Armor with StatsComp.
  • Primary and secondary weapon slots.
  • Wearable items (Armor) with 7 options each for ArmorTorso, ArmorHead, and ArmorLegs.
  • InteractorComp for interacting with chests, vending machines, NPCs.
  • Footsteps with surface-specific sound support.
  • HitReactionComp for reaction animations upon taking damage.
  • Ability system with Dash, Energy Barrier, Turret Companion, Healing Probe, Slam abilities.
  • EnergyComp to manage and recharge ability energy.
  • BloodSpillComp for realistic blood effects on damage.
  • Warrior-type enemies armed with melee weapons.
  • Companions like turrets and soldiers to aid the player.
  • Weapon upgrade system.
  • Various weapon crosshair designs for precise aiming.

  • Download

    Space Shooter Showcase.rar 750 MB

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